Vision & Mission:


To convert Uttarakhand into a model state which promotes a very high level of educational attainments for its population in the field of arts, science and culture. Insures every individual’s personal development to its full potential. Vanishing poverty and unemployable skill of all who need them and create an ambience and infrastructure for the growth of centres of excellence in education and research and in the application of science and technology for development. Higher education ensures opportunity for quality education as well as professional education to all deserving students. To meet the growing demands for educated and skilled personnel for the emerging knowledge economy.


To provide opportunity to the youth for higher education according to the requirements and demands after they have received secondary education. To introduce them to support culture, heritage, promote research oriented development and to start the professional and employment courses along with traditional education. To make Uttarakhand as awakened / enlightened and prosperous state by developing newly created Uttarakhand as knowledge hub. Development of arts, culture, and science will certainly be helpful in the personality, social and central development of the youth. It will make an important contribution in the positive development of the state and national information and technology will have an important role and place in it.

  • Student First: Students are the primary reason we exist as an institution and they are the main stakeholders in the institution. We will strive to be student-centric in all our actions.
  • Integrity: We are committed to the highest academic, professional and ethical standards of integrity and honesty.
  • Quality Education and Development: We are committed to impart quality education to the students to equip them for success and overall personal development.
  • Social Responsibility: We will engage in collaborative partnerships with individuals, organizations and groups in our community for mutual growth.